what are toothaches and how to address them

It’s normal for your teeth to hurt or feel slightly sore now and again – maybe you ate something too crunchy or too cold or brushed a bit too hard. Whatever the reason, the discomfort will go away on its own.

That said, sometimes, toothaches will persist or worsen, and this is when it’s time to speak with a dentist near you. A continual toothache can indicate a more serious, underlying issue. Your dental team can examine your smile and take x-rays to identify the source of the problem and recommend the most appropriate treatment.

Symptoms of a Toothache 

Several symptoms can arise when a person experiences a toothache. The signs that appear may be dependent on the severity of the toothache, including:

  • Throbbing sensation around the tooth
  • Swelling in your gums
  • Tenderness
  • Sensitivity to food and drink
  • Bad breath or bad taste
  • Fever (in rarer cases)

It’s important to keep an eye on such things and, if you’re unsure about anything, visit a dental clinic nearby for professional guidance.

What Causes Toothaches? 

A toothache can occur because of several things, and they are as follows:

  • Cavities (Tooth Decay)

Tooth decay forms when bacteria from sugary snacks and beverages are left to sit on your smile. Eventually, this becomes plaque, an acidic, sticky film-like substance that can eat away at your tooth, namely the enamel. This leads to sensitivity, pain, and a visible hole, weakening your tooth.

Cavities, if untreated, become larger and affect deeper layers of your teeth.  When this occurs, a simple filling is not enough to treat the problem and root canal therapy or even tooth extraction may be needed.

  • Abscess 

An abscess is an infection. More specifically, it’s a fleshy pocket that fills with pus due to the presence of bacteria. It can result in moderate to serious tooth, depending on the location of the abscess and your oral health. An abscess can form around the tooth’s root, near the gums, or on the gums themselves.

  • Wisdom Teeth 

Our wisdom teeth can be found behind our molars. As a result, they’re often referred to as the “third molars.” For some people, they will fit comfortably in their mouth; for the majority, they will lead to overcrowding, impaction (rubbing against another tooth), or they haven’t fully erupted through the gums. All these things can lead to tooth pain. To remedy the issue, they’ll need to be extracted.

  • Broken Fillings or Crowns

Dental fillings are a routine treatment provided to patients who have cavities. The decay is scraped from the tooth and then the hole that’s left behind is filled in. Dental crowns can be applied to a tooth that’s discolored, worn down, or has a cavity that’s too large for a traditional filling. If either of these of these restorations are not maintained properly through good oral hygiene and professional cleanings or become damaged, bacteria and other debris can buildup underneath, causing sensitivity and pain.

  • Cracked Tooth

Teeth can become cracked due to sports injuries, other forms of trauma, biting down on hard or crunchy foods, or bruxism (nighttime grinding). Fragmented teeth are prone to bacteria buildup and further injury. Additionally, cracked teeth can lead to sensitivity and pain, especially when eating and drinking, due to enamel erosion, leaving the nerves exposed.

  • Gum Disease

Gum or periodontal disease arises when excessive amounts of plaque and tartar form on your teeth and along the gumline. This can eventually contribute to infections, which, in turn, triggers symptoms including bad breath and bleeding. If the infection and bacteria are left untreated, they can migrate to the nerves and roots of your teeth, leading to persistent tooth pain.

How Do Dentists Treat Toothaches?

If you’re dealing with a toothache, consult a dentist in Millwoods soon. Don’t delay seeking treatment; otherwise, the situation may become worse, and you’ll need to undergo more lengthy or complicated treatments to alleviate the pain and restore your smile’s daily function.

When you come into Agape Dental Clinic for care, we’ll begin by thoroughly examining your smile. We’ll also take note of your symptoms and discuss your dental history. This information helps us formulate a complete picture of your case. X-rays will be taken to determine if there are any issues going on below the gum line.

A dental plan will be designed according to your needs, and we’ll identify the ideal treatment for you. Common remedies for toothaches are:

  • Antibiotics – Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to kill the infection, but it should be noted that antibiotics or over the counter pain relievers do not address the root cause of the toothache and you will need further treatment by your dentist.
  • Dental Fillings – Fillings are great for minor cavities. The decay is removed, then the area is thoroughly cleaned and filled to stop future harm. Composite resin is the more popular filling material used since it’s both durable and blends in with your smile.
  • Dental Crowns – A crown is a customized covering that is slipped over the top of your tooth to preserve it as well as strengthen it. If tooth pain is caused by a large cavity, one that’s too extensive for a routine filling, you may be advised to acquire this treatment instead, since it can cover more of the tooth. Dental crowns can last for many years with proper care.
  • Inlays or Onlays – These restorations are another alternative that can effectively address tooth pain caused by decay. An inlay is placed within a tooth, while an onlay is made to fit over the top surface (cusps) of a tooth. Both structures are often fabricated from ceramic.
  • Root Canal – If your toothache is due to an inflamed pulp, a root canal is likely necessary to prevent reinfection and the need for extraction. The pulp is a sac where nerves and blood vessels connect, and when it is injured, it leads to immense pain when eating, drinking, and brushing. Root canal treatments have a 95% success rate.
  • Tooth Extraction – Dentists perform this procedure as a last resort when the original tooth cannot be saved. The tooth is removed from its socket, and the decay is cleared out.

Don’t be afraid to voice any concerns you have. Your well-being matters, and we want you to feel satisfied with your results so you can carry on with your daily routine without worry.

Tips to Prevent Toothaches 

There are always things you can do to keep your smile in good shape and prevent aches and pains from developing:

  1. Brush and floss two times a day
  2. Don’t smoke
  3. Eat a healthy diet and limit sugary substances
  4. Have your teeth cleaned and examined biannually
  5. Don’t chew on hard candies or ice
  6. Wear a night guard

We’ll Get Your Smile Back to Normal

You don’t need to put up with oral pain, be it from a cavity, infection, or a more complex problem. Visit us here at Agape Dental Clinic for lasting relief. Our team provides tailored general dentistry treatment near you. Whatever you require to get back to eating, speaking, and laughing comfortably, we’ve got you covered.

Please email, call, or drop by our location to schedule an appointment with our dentist. We look forward to meeting you!