dental hygiene care

The holidays are an exciting time for many people because it’s a time to spend with family and friends, enjoy the winter landscapes, and sample delicious food and drinks. No one wants to deal with tooth and gum problems when they could be giving gifts and making memories before the year ends. This is why, amongst all the glamor, it’s still important to be mindful of your habits and be sure to take care of your smile.

At Agape Dental Clinic, our staff loves the holidays as much as you, and we are here to ensure that you have a truly happy, healthy holiday season. If you or a loved one need oral healthcare advice or treatment, contact our dentist near you whenever possible.

Keeping Your Smile Healthy This Season

Outlined below are strategies to help you preserve your smile during the winter season. Should you require additional assistance regarding dental hygiene care in Millwoods, reach out to our local practice.

1) Watch Your Sweets

We all love to treat ourselves to cookies and pie now and then, and that’s completely fine! However, being mindful of the number of sweets you consume will help keep your smile strong. You can also prevent several issues from arising due to excessive sugar-intake, such as:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Enamel erosion
  • Cavities

Excess sugar contributes to the bacteria in our mouths which, if left unattended, can lead to tooth demineralization, and eventually decay. It’s okay to be selective about the sweets you eat. Choose to eat them throughout the day in small amounts instead of all at once. In the end, moderation is key!

2) Be Mindful of What You Drink

Remember, certain holiday drinks can also contribute to tooth decay.

Wine and beer, while containing less sugar, can stain your teeth, so be sure to drink in moderation and have some water in between. This will help wash away that debris and make it easier to scrub the reside from your smile when it’s time to brush and floss.

Other drinks that are a staple of the setons, like hot chocolate, eggnog, and apple cider, contain more sugar, which encourages bacteria and acid to gather along the gums and between your teeth. If possible, try opting for:

  • Hot chocolate made with dark chocolate
  • Use a straw to reduce the amount of contact the liquid has with your teeth
  • Sugar or alcohol-free drinks

So long as you’re mindful of the number of drinks you’re consuming, your smile will surely benefit.

3) Use Products with Fluoride

It’s no secret that incorporating mouthwash into your oral hygiene is advantageous, which goes for the holidays too.

Fluoride exists naturally in the earth, air, and water. This mineral is added in specific amounts to toothpastes and mouthwashes because:

  • It encourages remineralization
  • Prevents tooth decay
  • Keeps your breath fresh

Such products are good for children, teens, and adults.

4) Manage Your Stress

The end of the year evokes many feelings – excitement, joy, thankfulness. But it can also be overwhelming and busy. Whether you’re working to meet those year-end deadlines or hurrying to finish all your holiday shopping, it’s not uncommon to experience stress. Too much stress can physically impact different areas of the body, including your smile. Tooth clenching and grinding (formally known as bruxism) can occur involuntarily, compromising the strength of your smile.
When bruxism continues for a longer period without being addressed, it can:

  • Wear down your enamel
  • Cause tooth fragmentation
  • Strain your jaw muscles

Setting aside time to relax, partaking in your favourite hobbies, or wearing a night guard can prevent this from happening.

Final Thoughts

You deserve to have a good time this holiday season, which means finishing off this year and entering a new one feeling healthy. Being aware of your habits and carving out a bit of time each day to complete your hygiene routine will help you achieve that. Staying in contact with a dentist and scheduling professional exams and cleanings are encouraged, too. A functional smile is a beautiful smile, regardless of the holidays. So don’t be afraid to put your health first.

Schedule an Appointment with Us

If you’d like to learn more about dental hygiene care near you, visit or call Agape Dental Clinic. Our experienced team is passionate about aiding all our patients, which is why we provide tailored treatments and employ gentle, modern techniques to keep you comfortable and relaxed.

We look forward to working with you and your family!