dry socket symptoms causes treatments

Many patients have or will have at least one tooth removed. This treatment is often necessary when one’s smile is overcrowded, impacted, or infected. Once your dentist has extracted the tooth, it’s important to care for your mouth at home so potential issues, including dry socket, do not arise.

At Agape Dental Clinic, our knowledgeable team is here to assist you throughout your treatment. From your time in the dental chair to your recovery period at home, we are at your disposal, ready to ensure that your smile and oral health remain in good condition.

If you have questions about tooth removal or any related complications, please reach out to our dentist in Millwoods today.

Dry Socket: What is It?

Dry socket can occur following an extraction, be it a simple or wisdom tooth extraction near you. When the tooth’s socket is vacant, a blood clot must form for the removal site to heal. The clot protects the entities underneath, including the empty socket itself, bone, and sensitive nerve endings. However, if the blood clot does not form, comes out, dissolves before the wound has healed, these entities are vulnerable to exposure, and bacteria and other debris can gather and lead to severe pain.

Common symptoms of dry socket are:

  • A bad taste in the mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Pain that originates from the socket and spreads to your ear, eye, neck, and temple on the same side of your face.
  • Being able to see some of the bone in the socket
  • Serious pain within the first couple of days of your appointment
  • Loss of part or all of the blood clot (the socket will look empty)

What Causes Dry Socket?

Although there is no precise cause of dry socket following a tooth extraction, bacteria amalgamation or injury may lead to this problem. Additionally, certain risk factors are at play and can contribute to dry socket, such as:

  • Tooth/gum infection
  • Poor oral hygiene 
  • Birth control pills– Elevated estrogen levels may lead to problems healing
  • Tobacco use –Such products, from cigarettes to chewing it, stall healing.

If you have concerns about any of this, don’t be afraid to reach out to us. Our reliable, capable team, led by our experienced dentist near you, is here to help you however you need. All questions are welcome.

Treating Dry Socket at Our Clinic

Even if you don’t think your need to seek treatment for dry socket, we encourage you to reach out to our dental team for a professional examination. Our dentist will assess your smile, specifically the surgical area, and take x-rays to better understand your case and whether treatment is necessary. Following the inspection, several options may be advised, including:

  • Our dentist may flush the procedure site to clear away food particles, bacteria, and other debris that can lead to future infection or pain.
  • Special prescription paste/gel, or a gauze dressing can be applied to the socket. This option provides immediate relief. If you’ve been given a dressing, you may need to return to the clinic to have it removed and replaced with a new, clean one.
  • You can be given a written prescription to alleviate the pain.
  • At-Home Care. Following your appointment, you’ll need to continue caring for your smile at home. This entails gently flushing out the socket to keep it clean, avoiding straws, and eating soft foods. Use a small syringe to rinse with salt water or a medicated rinse at least twice a day to keep the site clean.

How Do You Prevent Dry Socket? 

Prioritizing your dental health before acquiring any treatment will help your mouth heal quickly and without complications. There are several steps you can take to ensure this happens, and they are the following:

  1. Book a consultation with an experienced dentist or oral surgeon. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and take your time deciding. You want to work with someone who is both qualified and approachable.
  2. Brush and floss your teeth twice daily. The healthier your smile is before your procedure, the easier your recovery will be.
  3. Let your dentist know ifyou’re taking any medications or supplements before your appointment. These things may impact your body’s ability to produce blood clots.
  4. Don’t use tobacco products.This includes cigars, pipes, or cigarettes. Tobacco negatively impacts your blood vessels, interfering with the oxygen levels in your blood and the rate of blood flow.

Contact Agape Dental Today 

Your oral health and overall well-being are important to our entire team. So, when you come in for a simple tooth extraction or a wisdom tooth extraction in Millwoods, we will ensure you feel prepared and comfortable before getting to work. For patients who struggle with dental anxiety, please talk to us about anesthesia options.

By following all the instructions provided by our team, you’ll be able to resume your daily activities, like eating your favourite snacks, in no time! Call, email, or drop by 2603 Hewes Way NW, Edmonton to get started. We look forward to seeing you!