back to school dental tips for heath teeth

As summer draws to an end, a new chapter begins: autumn, which means getting ready to head back to school. This is a busy time for families, what with making sure kids have all the supplies they need to succeed in the classroom. One aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked during this period of preparation is your child’s oral health.

Our smiles play a large role in our ability to express ourselves and doing this at school is important for socialization and building confidence.

As a parent or guardian, being proactive and taking steps to ensure that your child’s smile remains healthy for the year to come will allow them to focus on that upcoming project or scoring the next goal on the soccer field instead of dealing with oral discomfort.

If you have questions about children’s dentistry treatment in Millwoods, you’re encouraged to contact our local dental team. We are happy to help!

Here are some top tips to maintain a healthy smile during the upcoming school year:

#1: Book a Dental Appointment 

Scheduling a dental checkup and cleaning before classes start is highly recommended. Not only will this alleviate any worries, but it will allow your dental team to inspect your child’s oral health and identify any cavities or other dental issues before they become more severe. Additionally, after several months of having fun eating cold treats like ice cream or other sweets on vacation, you never know what may be happening with your teeth, gums, jawbone, and surrounding structures.

We suggest booking an appointment with our dentist near you in advance; that way, you don’t need to stress beforehand. We also recommend doing so for the entire family, not just your kids – they look up to the adults in their life, so being a good example will help them feel more at ease about the visit, too.

#2: Set Up a Daily Hygiene Routine

Education can also happen outside the classroom and teaching your child the importance of establishing good habits, like brushing their teeth daily, will put them on the path toward a lifetime of good dental health. Nobody wants to stick to a schedule during the summer, so introducing one when back-to-school season comes around can help get things back on track.

This is what you can include in your child’s hygiene routine:

  • Brush your teeth in the morning and at night
  • Floss once daily
  • Wait for half an hour after eating before brushing

Encourage your child to use fluoride toothpaste as well, as this will help reduce the likelihood of cavities.

#3: Acquire a Good Mouthguard 

Being active helps us stay healthy and agile and is beneficial regardless of age. Regarding our kids, they love running around with their friends and burning off all their energy during gym class and on sports teams.

But kids being kids, accidents can happen. So, investing in a reliable mouthguard cannot be overstated. Several injuries can occur including bleeding, chipped teeth, avulsed teeth, and other mouth lacerations.

At Agape Dental, we provide customized mouthguards to patients of all ages. Our dentist in Millwoods will take an impression of your child’s teeth to ensure that the appliance fits them properly. Durable plastic is used to create the guard. It is flexible yet sturdy compared to store-bought guards that don’t mold well to smiles. Custom mouthguards last several months and provide the highest level of protection.

#4: Pack Healthy Lunches and Snacks 

It’s no secret that eating well positively impacts our smiles. Packing nutritious foods and drinks for your child for lunch and snack time will keep their teeth safe from cavities. Some examples include:

  • Fruits
  • Veggies
  • Whole grain breads
  • Milk

Be sure to pack a water bottle for your kids. Water keeps them hydrated and washes away unwanted debris in their mouth.

Of course, having a treat occasionally is not a bad thing! Everything should be within reason.

#5: Replace Your Child’s Toothbrush 

Did you know that replacing your toothbrush every few months can help maintain the cleanliness of your smile? That’s right! When a toothbrush is overused or used aggressively, the bristles will break, and it won’t clean your teeth and gums properly.

Letting your child choose their own toothbrush can be a fun activity to get them involved and excited about caring for their smiles. Pick a toothbrush with soft bristles, as this will prevent bleeding or irritation. If you’re unsure about the right brush for your child, contact our dental team!

#6: Reward Good Habits 

We all deserve recognition for the good things we do, and that certainly applies to our kids! Acknowledge when your child brushes their teeth or chooses to eat an apple over a chocolate bar. Not only will this make their day, but it reinforces good habits and encourages them to continue doing them. Little things go a long way, and they’ll be able to reap the benefits of good oral health now and when they grow older.

And of course, if you’d like additional advice, always contact your dentist. They are there to support your family and can provide tailored advice for each of your loved ones.

Book Your Back-to-School Checkup with Us!

Agape Dental Clinic is happy to offer trustworthy children’s dentistry treatment near you. We work hard to create a welcoming space for all patients where they feel comfortable asking questions and acquiring the care they need and deserve. If you’d like to book an appointment for your child before school officially kicks off, please give us a call!

We are excited to be a part of your child’s oral health journey this school year!